light it up
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I really wanted to watch the fireworks live this year. But I didn't even watch the parade in the end, let alone the fireworks. Deep in my heart I knew what I hoped for, but God made things better. He has a plan for everything, though I may not fully understand it.
National Day this year was different. I had spent my time with the least expected bunch of people- my cellies. Or so Klemmie calls ourselves.
I'll never expected how things turn out. Never thought that one day my things would change. I'm really happy for the bond that we share right now. A group of people having accountability to one another, to God. I thank God for everything He has blessed us with and I look forward to becoming a even more welcoming cell, passionate about His name. To motivate each other through this arduous journey of life. I hope we can stay this way. Of course I'm not forgetting those whom have shared fond memories with me as well.
Delta 09', friends, family... I really wonder how things are turning out in my life.
Friends for school, friends for course or friends for life? I really wonder if it'll all hold out.
10:15 PM