light it up
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I guess I can understand why people say "happy sweet sixteen", because seriously the sixteenth birthday is the best birthday ever :)
Thanks for all the presents! They're seriously the nicest gifts I've ever received. Thanks Yen Ler for the "bread" and bear, Kai Ling and Meiyi for the food, Kimberly,Sui Kee and Zhijing for the combined 16 items. Valencia for the cake and Edlyn and friends for the "build-a-bear" bear, which they named Potty Koh:) It must have cost a bomb. Also thanks Inez for the special "Sadidas" present and everyone who have wished me a happy birthday.
Also thanks Delta for the beautiful dress? Haha, I know you all hope that I can be more girlish but yea..will try to wear it IF I really feel the need to be more femine. :)
thanks for the wonderful surprise. From the early morning "thrash out talk" to the birthday party. And the group hug was more like a stampede. Hahas. I love the bear that you all gave. But I still don't know what its name though. But I'll remember that it's born on 18th April. The whipped cream attack was fun and kinda wierd? I swear I'll bring a raincoat everytime there's a party thrown by you all. First it was eggs and now it's whipped cream. But nevertheless, thanks for buying us shirts and I love the photos board too:) Sorry if you all had been waiting for me for very long though.. But again, thanks alot :)
Partner- I have to agree that the monkey piggy bank is nice.
Thanks for the card:)
Ok,shall end here. Thanks to those who made my sixteenth birthday really SWEET and memorable! :)
I guess I can understand why people say "happy sweet sixteen", because seriously the sixteenth birthday is the best birthday ever :)
Thanks for all the presents! They're seriously the nicest gifts I've ever received. Thanks Yen Ler for the "bread" and bear, Kai Ling and Meiyi for the food, Kimberly,Sui Kee and Zhijing for the combined 16 items. Valencia for the cake and Edlyn and friends for the "build-a-bear" bear, which they named Potty Koh:) It must have cost a bomb. Also thanks Inez for the special "Sadidas" present and everyone who have wished me a happy birthday.
Also thanks Delta for the beautiful dress? Haha, I know you all hope that I can be more girlish but yea..will try to wear it IF I really feel the need to be more femine. :)
thanks for the wonderful surprise. From the early morning "thrash out talk" to the birthday party. And the group hug was more like a stampede. Hahas. I love the bear that you all gave. But I still don't know what its name though. But I'll remember that it's born on 18th April. The whipped cream attack was fun and kinda wierd? I swear I'll bring a raincoat everytime there's a party thrown by you all. First it was eggs and now it's whipped cream. But nevertheless, thanks for buying us shirts and I love the photos board too:) Sorry if you all had been waiting for me for very long though.. But again, thanks alot :)
Partner- I have to agree that the monkey piggy bank is nice.
Thanks for the card:)
Ok,shall end here. Thanks to those who made my sixteenth birthday really SWEET and memorable! :)
6:11 AM
Sunday, April 12, 2009
This was my life in NC. But along with these came,
And they helped me to endure all the trails and obstacles that came my way.
9April 2009, I just want to mark this day. It marks the closure of another chapter of my life. A rather important chapter of my life. NC, it has played a major role in my secondary school life and its significance to me is simply indescribable. It has caused me the most painful memories yet it still remains as the one that brought me my fondest memories. And now, I feel so empty without it.
Nevertheless, things come and things go. "All good things will come to an end", I guess I should really let it go and start concentrating on my studies now. Afterall, I have full confidence that the specs now will do a great job.
This was my life in NC. But along with these came,
And they helped me to endure all the trails and obstacles that came my way.
9April 2009, I just want to mark this day. It marks the closure of another chapter of my life. A rather important chapter of my life. NC, it has played a major role in my secondary school life and its significance to me is simply indescribable. It has caused me the most painful memories yet it still remains as the one that brought me my fondest memories. And now, I feel so empty without it.
Nevertheless, things come and things go. "All good things will come to an end", I guess I should really let it go and start concentrating on my studies now. Afterall, I have full confidence that the specs now will do a great job.

Chen Ting,
my dearest partner! look at how much they've grown and mature:) And look how much we've grown too:P. Indeed our job now is done. I love you so much partner! Thanks for being my karate to combat to PDS and finally to NCO partners. No words could express how thankful I am to have you as my partner and sorry for the times when I was being too unreasonable or whatsoever. I will always remember the times when both of us had to be stressed over the last minute changes, the part and all that stuff. Still, I love you always :)
Charlie 09,

time really flies and to see you all now taking up the responsibility of the contingent really makes me very proud. Thank you for the wonderful time you have given me and your senior Chen Ting and thank you for making our past 8 months really meaningful. All of you had been great cadets and I've never been happier to be a Part C NCO.
"Rank is what you wear, respect is what you earn."
Do bear that in mind when leading your cadets, we have faith in all of you that you all can be a good role model to all your cadets. Work hard specs, I know all of you can do it. Bring the contingent to even greater heights.
Btw, thanks for the awesome chalet, games and presents :)

the time has now come for all of us to pack up and carry on with our journey. As much as we hate to part with each other, we still have to leave this comfort zone that we are so familar with. Though the time for us in NC had been much shorter as compared to the previous seniors, I believe that our bond is not weaker than the other parts. And even though our journey in NC has come to a halt, our friendship will never come to an end. Thank you for being there all these while. For being the ones that shared my woes and my worries, my tears and my laughters. Thank you for being the ones that picked me up when I fell, lent me a shoulder when I needed one, wiped away the tears on my tear-stained face, laughed over my silliness together. It's been a great 4 years together, you're the reason I stayed on in NC. And I do hope that we'll never forget each other even when we head off to different schools to carry on with our life's journey.
I love you, Delta 09
-united we stand-
1:14 AM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Time's ticking.
Slowly each minute passes as the seconds goes by.
Seriously, I'll treasure the last few days of my service.
Knowing that by then I'm no longer part of this unit; this organisation.
It saddens my heart to leave these all behind, all that I've worked for.
8 months the time limit that we all had,
I guess this is the end.
All I want is to see is that all of you are proud of who you really are. Persevere Charlie.
Slowly each minute passes as the seconds goes by.
Seriously, I'll treasure the last few days of my service.
Knowing that by then I'm no longer part of this unit; this organisation.
It saddens my heart to leave these all behind, all that I've worked for.
8 months the time limit that we all had,
I guess this is the end.
All I want is to see is that all of you are proud of who you really are. Persevere Charlie.
7:18 AM